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Makers Audit Tool

Hey there creative person! Welcome to the Makers Audit Tool – I’m going to help you pin-point exactly where you are in your business, identify your strengths and weaknesses and help you discover what you should really be focusing on right now to take your business to the next level. 

Makers Audit Tool

Hey there creative person! Welcome to the Makers Audit Tool – I’m going to help you pin-point exactly where you are in your business, identify your strengths and weaknesses and help you discover what you should really be focusing on right now to take your business to the next level. 

How to use this tool

It’s easy peasy! Go through each question and read them carefully. Really think about the options given and answer truthfully about how many you not only know about, but have done the work for. 

Makers Priority GridOnce you have answered for every key area, your strength areas will remain grey while your weakness areas will be highlighted, in the Makers Priority Grid. Whilst every key area is important, some need to be worked on before moving on to others. The priority grid ranks the key areas from top to bottom in the order in which you need to tackle them. The exception is your OPERATIONS, which really is important during every stage of growth, so keep this in mind if your results show you need to improve this key area.

Be sure you answer every statement, otherwise your results won’t show up in the grid.

You can then click the GET RESULTS button to read my recommendations, and I’ll email your results to you. 

Ready? Let’s do it!


You can scroll back up and change your answers for each key area at any time and see how they affect the Priority Grid above. You may have multiple areas highlighted – that’s ok! What you need to pay close attention to is which key area closest to the TOP of the Priority Grid is highlighted. Once you have this key area sorted, you can work you way down the grid.